Electrical Safety 101

Top 3 Circumstances When You Need to Hire a Commercial Electrician for Your Business

by David Hart

Most businesses across the world rely on electricity for their daily operations. Electrical problems can impact the production process and subsequently lead to losses. To avoid this, you must keep the electrical system of your business in good shape. It is important to have the electrical system inspected and maintained by a professional commercial electrician regularly. Also, for the electrical system to run efficiently, you must repair damages as soon as they emerge. Due to the risky and complex nature of the electrical system in a commercial setup, you should always contact a commercial electrical contractor whenever you need electrical services. The following are the three most crucial circumstances when you need to call a commercial electrician for your business. 

When Complaints of Electrical Shocks Emerge

If your employees are always complaining about mild shocks when operating electrical machines, you need to call a commercial electrician immediately. An electrical shock can occur when there is an outdated, malfunctioning or faulty switch or outlet. Besides, mechanical faults in the equipment can also cause electrical shock. Electrical shocks are dangerous, and they can lead to severe injuries, fatalities and property damage. Because of this, you should call a commercial electrical contractor immediately after an employee reports an incident of electrical shock. An experienced commercial electrician will diagnose the issue and provide the necessary solution. 

When Upgrading the Electrical System

As your company or business grows, you may need to upgrade your electrical system to match the emerging electrical needs. For instance, you might need to add outlets or change their locations when renovating the building. By hiring a professional commercial electrician, you will ensure that the outlets are relocated safely without damaging surfaces and materials in the building. Furthermore, an experienced electrician is conversant with local, state and federal electrical codes that you need to follow when updating your electrical system. 

When Your Electrical Equipment or Appliances Need Servicing

Businesses that use large electrical equipment must keep close contact with a commercial electrical contractor. High-energy consuming machines require regular professional inspection for several reasons. First, excess use of electrical equipment can overload the building's electrical circuit. One of the signs of an overloaded circuit or service panel is the occasional dimming or flickering of the lights. 

Secondly, your business equipment needs regular inspection to prevent electrical short circuits. Short-circuiting may occur due to faulty appliance wiring, loose wire connections or faulty wire insulation. Finally, you will need to consider professional electrical inspection to ensure proper grounding of the electrical system. Grounding helps to prevent surges and regulate voltage levels.

As a business owner, you need to consider choosing a reliable and experienced commercial electrician. By doing this, you will avoid electrical mishaps and emergencies that may disrupt your business operations.
