Electrical Safety 101

Air Conditioning Problems That Call for Repair

by David Hart

The proper functioning of an air conditioner ensures that your house temperature is as desired. When it breaks down, it can be cause for alarm. There are a few common air conditioning problems including:

Refrigerant Leaks

Low refrigerant levels are an indication of a leaking or faulty installation. An air conditioner functions efficiently when the refrigerant levels are as specified by the manufacturer. Refrigerant leaks cause an increase in temperature inside your home. If your technician tells you that your AC unit needs to be recharged, it is an indication of leaking refrigerant. Note that replacing the refrigerant is not the only solution in this case. A professional has to inspect your AC unit and find the source of the leak for repair.

Sensor Problems

A thermostat is a feature that allows you to control your air conditioner. The thermostat's sensor is located near the evaporative coil but the two components should not touch. If the thermostat is displaced from its setting, it could cause the air conditioner to start malfunctioning. This means the AC can turn on and off at random times and not achieve the desired temperature. You may also find that either the sensor or the thermostat is broken and need to be replaced.

 Drainage Issues

The moisture an AC unit removes from your home is drained through a drain line and into a pipe. When the drain line is blocked, it will cause the air conditioner to malfunction. Dirt and dust are the main causes of a blocked drain line. Once the drain line blocks, the drain pan cannot drain excess moisture leading to water leaks that could harm your air conditioner. In addition, the water leaks could cause water damage to your home, leading to the growth of mould.

Electric Components Failure

It is common for an AC's components to experience wear and tear when you turn your AC on and off. The compressor is a component that can fail. A faulty compressor means the AC will not work to capacity, hence the cooling effect stops. This is because the compressor pressurises the refrigerant to allow it to move through the evaporator coils for cooling. The lack of adequate refrigerant levels also causes a compressor to work twice as hard leading to its failure. Corrosion of evaporator coils is also a common problem, especially without regular maintenance. Condenser coils may also fail due to the accumulation of dirt without regular cleaning of your AC components.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, you may want to consider scheduling an air conditioning service with a local company near you.
